EU condemns Syria’s restrictions on freedom of expression and journalist killings

In a statement released this week, the EU Delegation to Syria condemns the killings, arrests and intimidation of Syrian journalists, bloggers and online activists. Read the full statement below

The European Union Delegation issues the following statement in agreement with the EU Heads of Mission in Syria.

The EU strongly condemns the Syrian authorities’ restrictions on freedom of expression, including access to the internet and social media, as well as the killing, arrest and intimidation of journalists, bloggers, online activists and other human rights defenders. The EU wishes to salute the many courageous citizen journalists, bloggers and online activists in Syria who on a daily basis are putting their own lives in danger to promote and protect the human rights of their fellow citizens by truthfully reporting about the situation in Syria to the outside world.

The EU deplores the recent deaths of journalist Shukri Ahmed Ratib Abu Burghul, photographer Ferzat Jarban and citizen journalist Basil Al-Sayed and demands a full inquiry into their tragic deaths.

The EU urges the Syrian authorities to allow the Arab League monitors free and unhindered access to all places of detention, including to all detained journalists and bloggers as well as other persons detained for exercising their right to freedom of expression. The EU welcomes all actions by the Arab League observers as part of their mission to visit all the journalists and bloggers currently detained and to demand their immediate release.

The statement is also available as a PDF.