Illustration by Enas Satir.
IMS’ new gender reader: Navigating a gendered world
We are thrilled to present Navigating a changing world: Media’s gendered prism, IMS’ gender reader 2020, which is a diverse collection of gender-sensitive stories, essays, podcast, trailers and videos produced by our partners across countries and continents.
With this publication, we wish to highlight important stories on gender, sexuality and identity; stories that inform, debunk and nuance the many and varied experiences of women and men, boys and girls around the world.
Listen, for example, when the two young men Assem and Noor explain how they navigate through life with physical characteristics that clashes with prevailing standards of masculinity in Jordan. It’s in the podcast media Sowt’s moving episode “My form”.
Or dive into the Myanmar media Frontier’s critique “Rape, revenge and reactionary tales”. It puts focus on the tendency of local film makers deploy the rape of women as a plot device to spark the heroic quest of male lead characters to avenge the crime – while the women survivors are simply killed off.
Or find yourself in the midst of the Lebanese “October Revolution” in the video “As Lebanese women, the revolution is our opportunity”. Here, the online media platform Daraj demonstrations the important front-runner roles women have played and explains why women are essential to the societal changes that the protesters in the streets are calling for.
Or follow the debate in one of Mali’s female listener clubs broadcaster by Radio Alafia as they discuss why women migrate from the country and share their knowledge about the potential dangers and challenges female migrants might encounter.
Or one of the more than 30 other stories that offer new perspectives and lead the way towards a more inclusive, gender-sensitive and varied journalism industry in the future.