COVID-19: preventing the spread of false information

The spread of COVID-19 has had implications for international travel and public gatherings, with several media development and journalism events cancelled or postponed. The global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) maintains an overview of cancelled events on their website. The list will be updated if and when more events are impacted by the coronavirus.     

As COVID-19 spreads internationally, so too does potentially harmful misinformation and disinformation. With countries all around the world grappling to contain the spread of the coronavirus, the need for resilient, independent, and accurate media is ever more urgent.

It is the role of media to provide citizens with verified, accurate and factual reporting and refrain from coverage that could generate panic and fear. IMS urges media to report responsibly and professionally.

Below is a list of projects and resources aiming to help prevent the spread of false information:

For information about the virus and recommendations from authorities in Denmark (Danish language) check this link

More information in English