IMS and consortium partners launch the New Democracy Fund
A new initiative aims to strengthen civil society partnerships in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Following a ‘Call for Proposal’ in the autumn of 2020, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has selected a consortium of five organisations to set up the New Democracy Fund. The consortium includes 3F, Danish Industry (DI), the Danish Cultural Institute, the Danish Youth Council (DUF) and International Media Support (IMS).
An active, independent, and diverse democratically organised civil society is an important cornerstone of a free, peaceful, and stable society and with a budget of 50 million DKK for 2020-2022, the fund aims to strengthen civil society partnerships in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Civil society plays a crucial role in any democracy, and especially in aspiring ones. The newly established New Democracy Fund will promote democratic organisation of civil society; people-to-people exchange of experience and regional networking between Denmark and the Eastern Neighborhood countries (ENC).
The New Democracy Fund will operate on six thematic focus areas: youth, media, culture, labour market organisation and climate. Gender will be considered cross-cutting in the intervention. Work has already begun and among the first initiatives is the formation of a “Rapid Response” funding mechanism, which will be open to applications from civil society organisations having immediate needs that require a rapid response.
ENC partners teamed up with a Danish partner and wanting to act on emerging opportunities in the Eastern Neighborhood countries may apply.
IMS’ commitment and interest in engaging in the New Democracy Fund are dictated, first and foremost, by a foundational demand from ENC partners and stakeholders for support to build free, democratic and inclusive societies united around core values of democracy, human rights, diversity and inclusion. The New Democracy Fund contributes to IMS’ overall vision for the ENC countries; namely that civil society and media have the opportunity and ability to underpin the resilient dynamism and democratisation of the region.
Each of the below consortium members will contribute with their expertise and knowledge.
• Danish Cultural Institute – www.danishculture.com
• 3F – www.3f.dk
• Danish Industry – www.danskindustri.dk
• Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd – www.duf.dk